Batman Poster #23 Zebra-Man I Robin Detective Comics 275 (1960) Sheldon Moldoff


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Batman and Robin encounter a magnetically-powered villain, the Zebra-Man, but a charge from the machine which gave Zebra-Man his powers turns Batman into a “Zebra-Batman” who repels all solid matter, and without a belt like Zebra-Man’s to neutralize the repelling force, he cannot regulate his powers.

The first Zebra-Man was a high-tech scientist whose machinery has irradiated his entire body. It also gave him superpowers that enabled him to attract and repel anything besides metal (referred to within the story as Diamagnetism). With his body covered by black and white stripes and highlighted by a glowing aura, he became Zebra-Man. He went on a crime spree before where he encountered Batman and Robin. During the first fight, Batman was accidentally irradiated by the same energy. Without an inhibitor belt, Batman was out of control with his diamagnetism causing Robin to go on without him. Batman soon took advantage of the diamagnetism and used it to attract Zebra-Man to himself and then attract both of them to Gotham City Police Department. As would happen more than once in his career (as in the case of 1961’s Element Man, for instance), Batman was accidentally bathed in the same energy that created his foe. Without an inhibitor belt like the Zebra-Man had created for himself, the Dark Knight was incapable of controlling his powers and repelled anyone or anything that came near him … including his adversary. “We both have the SAME charge, Batman — and like charges repel each other!” With trees uprooting as he neared them and boulders flying from his path, Batman begged Robin to “finish the job I couldn’t do. I can’t ever work with you again.” Miraculously, Batman devised a solution and challenged the Zebra-Man, pulling towards him instead of away. The Zebra-Batman decked his opposite number, repelled the gang towards Robin and the GCPD, and put on the control belt himself, purging the energy from his body. “A little while ago,” he explained, “I was surprised to find myself being drawn towards a junk yard’s electro-magnet. I realized that the electro-magnet’s force field was opposite to mine, because OPPOSITE forces ATTRACT. That gave me an idea. Knowing you were coming here, I charged that manhole cover so that it would reverse your force field, making it OPPOSITE mine.” The Dynamic Duo laughed that the villain would still possess his stripes “… only this time they’re from prison bars! Sheldon “Shelly” Moldoff (April 14, 1920 – February 29, 2012) was an American comic book artist best known for his early work on the DC Comics characters Hawkman and Hawkgirl, and as one of Bob Kane’s primary “ghost artists” (uncredited collaborators) on the superhero Batman. He co-created the Batman supervillains Poison Ivy, Mr. Freeze, Matt Hagen (Clayface), and Bat-Mite, as well as the original heroes Bat-Girl, Batwoman and Ace the Bat Hound. Moldoff is also the sole creator of the Black Pirate (Jon Valor).