Bastion started life out as two separate beings: the Sentinel Master Mold, and Nimrod, a highly-advanced Sentinel from an alternate future. While posing as a human construction worker, Nimrod unearthed a module from Master Mold. As soon as Nimrod made physical contact with the module, Master Mold’s programming began to co-opt Nimrod’s. Shortly after, during a conflict with the X-Men, the two of them, along with the X-Man Rogue, were blasted through the Siege Perilous, a mystical crystal capable of judging any who pass through it and reincarnating them into a new life commensurate in quality with their previous life. It was the Siege Perilous that was responsible for merging Nimrod and Master Mold into a single man of flesh with no memory of his past. Bastion was taken in by a woman named Rose Gilberti. Living with Rose, Bastion began to hear about America’s mutant problem. At some point, Bastion fell in with anti-mutant groups, like Graydon Creed’s Friends of Humanity.
Near mint condition.
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