Wolverine Pin-up FRAMED # 8 Claws Uncanny 207 John Romita Jr


SKU: 10669 Category:


A classic image of Wolverine illustrated by John Romita Jr! Romita’s early popularity began with his run on Iron Man with writer David Michelinie and artist Bob Layton which began in 1978. In the early 1980s, he had his first regular run on the Amazing Spider-Man series and also was the artist for the launch of the Dazzler series. Working with writer Roger Stern on Amazing Spider-Man, he co-created the character Hobgoblin. From 1983 to 1986 he had a run on the popular Uncanny X-Men with Dan Green and author Chris Claremont. He would return for a second run on Uncanny X-Men in 1993.

Frame is shrinkwrapped until time of purchase. Ships boxed with packing peanuts.