Thor Poster #11 vs Absorbing Man Journey into Mystery by Jack Kirby 120
The Absorbing Man (Carl “Crusher” Creel) was a boxer and jailed criminal who becomes the Absorbing Man when he drinks a liquid which the Asgardian god Loki laced with rare Asgardian ingredients. Discovering that he could absorb the properties of anything he touched, Creel escaped prison by absorbing metal from the guards’ bullets and went on to battle Thor. Although he is only mortal, Creel’s fantastic abilities make him a worthy opponent for Thor. Courtesy of a magical potion, Crusher Creel has the ability to duplicate the properties of anything he touches – gas, liquid, solid, or even energy sources. This transformation also extends to the clothing and ball and chain that Creel was wearing when the potion took effect (for example, if Creel touches the metal titanium, his body, clothing, and ball and chain would take on the appearance and properties of titanium). If the object is large (e.g., a building), Creel can absorb sufficient mass to attain the same height. Creel also retains his intellect and capacity for speech and full physical movement (although the character’s first attempt at absorbing water cost Creel his sanity when he drifted apart) and can reform if his body is damaged in any way while in altered form, which he discovered when Wolverine cut his arm off during the Secret Wars and he held it in place as he deactivated his powers.
Near mint condition.
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