Preacher Book Two HC Garth Ennis Steve Dillon Shrinkwrap 1st print AMC TV Series
Preacher Book Two Hardcover – February 16, 2010
by Garth Ennis (Author), Steve Dillon (Illustrator), Glenn Fabry (Cover Artist)
In the continuing saga of the bizarre adventures of faithless Texas preacher Jesse Custer, Jesse, along with his girlfriend Tulip, and their friend Cassidy, the Irish vampire, head west to a party of Babylonian proportions. Then, Jesse heads for France to rescue Cassidy from the clutches of religious fanatics. His search leads him into a no-holds-barred battle against the forces of the mysterious organization known as The Grail. Also told here is the story of how Cassidy became a vampire in the first place. Malevolent former German special forces soldier Herr Starr, who plans to exploit his God-given supernatural abilities to stage an overthrow of the Grail, an ancient religious cult that seeks world domination, pursues the title character, Jesse Custer. Also, some 70 years of backstory for Custer’s sidekick, hard-drinking Irish vampire Cassidy, are filled in. While Preacher’s original popularity was likely most due to its taboo-breaking outrageousness, it owes its lasting appeal to Ennis’ keen characterization, especially the deep and convincing bond between Custer and his pistol-packing girlfriend, Tulip, and Dillon’s effectively understated artwork. Collects Preacher issues 13-26.
“Just about the best thing to come along since comics started finding their way into books.”—The Washington Post
“Features more blood and blasphemy than any mainstream comic in memory. Cool.”—Entertainment Weekly
Hardcover: 368 pages
Publisher: Vertigo
I could say a lot about Preacher, but I’d probably just sound pretentious. It’s a western that takes the reader across America on a mission to find God and demand some answers. It’s vulgar comedic tone creates a thin veil over the dark allegorical commentary it’s making, allowing the series to never take itself too seriously. The series is the comic medium at it’s best. The characterization keeps Preacher going, even when the story isn’t moving too fast.
Preacher is easily Garth’s best work to date. I’d say his writing has actually gone downhill since. Dillon is an amazing artist, who I am always going to be a sucker for. If you’re a fan of either one of these talents and don’t own this series, in one form or another, it should be killing you right now that you haven’t already received this book in the mail.
If you already own Preacher in trade paperback form, you should really reconsider purchasing the hardcovers. The HCs are gorgeous!
The HC’s are a good deal if you don’t already own Preacher, or if your single issues and tradebacks are ruined from rereading them so much.
On November 16, 2013, it was announced that AMC will be shooting a pilot for Preacher. On November 18, 2013, BleedingCool confirmed that Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg developed the series pilot with Sam Catlin, and that it will be distributed by Sony Pictures Television. On February 7, 2014 it was made public that AMC is officially developing the series to television based on the pilot written by Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg. Rogen has no plans to co-star in the series. On May 9, 2014, AMC announced that Preacher was picked up to series. Rogen tweeted that “Son of a Preacher Man” will be the series theme song. Preacher will premiere mid to late 2015, as announced by Seth Rogen, with the script for the series complete and the pilot ordered by the studio. Comic creators Steve Dillon and Garth Ennis will work on this project as co-executive producer. On February 12, 2015, Superhero Hype reports that the character of Tulip O’Hare will be an African American. On April 17, 2015, Seth Rogen tweeted that Dominic Cooper was cast in the role of Jesse Custer, Joseph Gilgun as Cassidy, Ruth Negga as Tulip O’Hare, Ian Colletti as Arseface, and W. Earl Brown as Sheriff Hugo Root. On September 9, 2015, Seth Rogen announced via Twitter that the series has been ordered to a 10 episode season.
Collects Preacher 13-26 with a new introduction by Stuart Moore. Near mint, shrinkwrapped 1st printing.
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