Grendel is a long-running series of comic books originally created by American author Matt Wagner. First published by Comico, Wagner has now moved his character to Dark Horse. Originally a noir comic in the style of European titles such as Diabolik, it has evolved into, in Wagner’s words, a study of the nature of aggression. In 2009, Hunter Rose (the first Grendel) was ranked as IGN’s 88th Greatest Villain of All Time.
Jason Shawn Alexander or J. Alexander (born c. 1975) is a painter, illustrator and draftsman from Portland, Tennessee. Alexander has produced illustrations for Dark Horse Comics, Warner Brothers, DC Comics, Hasbro, White Wolf, Inc, and Dalmatian Press. His creator-owned Empty Zone was published for years by Sirius Entertainment. He also contributed to Poison Elves: Lusiphur and Linlith, also for Sirius Entertainment
Near mint condition.
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