CrossGen Poster #17 WATER DAMAGE Andra Radiant by George Perez Solus Solusandra
This poster has slight water damage. I drop of water hit the side of the poster at some point and cause slight discoloration…it’s hardly noticeable but I feel I’ve priced the item accordingly. The main character, Solusandra aka Andra Radiant, was the creator of the Sigil-Bearers. She was an Atlantean who had undergone transition. She was allowed to “play” in a part of the galaxy and she used her powers to create The First, demi-gods with great powers. The strongest of these demi-gods and her special friend was Altwaal. She gave Altwaal seven weapons, called Altwaals Weapons, which seem to be the most powerful artifacts in the galaxy. Not long after she created the First, she left them (for reasons never explained) and so when she returned (in Solus #5) she was not recognized.
Water damage not seen in photos.
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