Big Plans 1 NM Pinball Press Aron Nels Steinke 1st print


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BIG PLANS #1 – B&W. Creators: Aron Nels Steinke.

Simply drawn and to the point, Big Plans stands out as one of the best modern self-published comics. The Xeric Award-winning series begins as Aron explores his childhood and adolescence, a retrospective on 90’s video games and siblings in trouble. Beautifully printed in heavy black ink!

Laugh-out-loud funny, chilling, and meditative, Big Plans collects Aron Nels Steinke’s most intimate and relatable stories. With a unique sense of timing, these are incredibly readable comics that are hard to put down. Stories ranging from fear of terrorism, alcoholism, and a shooting at the mall, to a behind the curtains look at the Academy Awards, Big Plans stands out as one of the most compelling works to come out of the modern DIY movement.

48 pages.

Near mint, 1st print.