Batman Poster #11 Penguin Chester Cobblepot Batman Returns Movie


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Danny Devito portrayed The Penguin as the main antagonist in Batman Returns. Director Tim Burton, inspired by the film The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, re-imagined the character not as an eloquent gentleman of crime, but a former freak show performer with a homicidal grudge against the aristocrats of Gotham City. While this Penguin retained many trademarks, such as a variety of trick umbrellas and the use of a monocle, he was given a dramatic visual makeover. Where the comic version had varied between a balding head of short cropped hair and varying degrees of thinning, this Penguin was still bald at the top but with his remaining length of hair long and stringy. His hands were now flippers with a thumb and index finger, and the remaining three fingers fused. An unidentified thick, dark green bile-like liquid or blood sometimes trickles from his nose and mouth. Instead of a tuxedo, he wore a more gothic, Victorian-style outfit with a jabot as opposed to a bow tie. In certain scenes, he also wears black boots, a dickey, and a union suit. However, Burton’s design maintained the top hat seen in the comics along with a monocle and a cigarette in some scenes. He also has penguin-like appetites, as shown in a scene where supporting villain Max Shreck (Christopher Walken) lures him out of his room with what appears to be a raw fish (though Shreck’s dialogue in the previous scene implies that it was a fried fish).

Near mint condition.