Batman Jekyll + Hyde 6 NM Paul Jenkins Sean Phillips Jae Lee 1st print Two-Face
Batman Jekyll and Hyde #6
Written by Paul Jenkins, Covers by Sean Phillips, Art by Jae Lee and Sean Phillips.
Hysteria breaks out as the 6-issue miniseries reaches a shocking finale! Two-Face has infected the citizens of Gotham with his ‘Jekyll & Hyde’ serum and is on the run from the Batman! But can the Dark Knight put an end to Two-Face’s madness before Harvey Dent’s ‘Mr. Hyde’ personality takes over and destroys him once and for all?
A unique story that examines the psychology behind Harvey Dent’s split personality! Discover how one man can seemingly harbor two souls, each bent on the other’s destruction in this terrifying tale of Two-Face’s past and present, as he battles with himself – and the Batman! It is stories like these where the Dark Knight indeed earns his foreboding appellation, with extreme emphasis on the dark side. For people who prefer lighter tales, this may not be for them. Many brutal murders occur, replete with a glut of gory and gritty details, with the macabre mood compounded by the demented detour into the depths of the disturbed psyches of Batman and Harvey Dent. Two-Face tales do tend to explore the close connection and severe psychological similarities shared by these two former friends turned ardent adversaries, and this one is no exception. The Jekyll and Hyde theme couldn’t be more apropos, being greatly exemplified by both men, but in this case centering more on Batman’s duality and the sometimes recurring question of whom really is the mask, Batman or Bruce Wayne. Being two peas in the same perverse pod, no one understands this more than Harvey, and with the aid of an experimental psychotropic drug, devilishly decrees “Welcome to my world” as he further plunges Batman into the hidden recesses of his own marred mind, opening a portal into personal purgatory that he may never be able to close again. We continue to see the pain and anguish he has endured due to the tragic deaths of his parents, and how this has prevented him from allowing any semblence of love or happiness from entering his life. One starts to wonder if his tenuous grip on sanity could be just one Harvey coin toss away. On a larger scale, we are all living on the edge, because according to this there is a bit of Jekyll and Hyde in all of us. While some of the Two-Face themes may have been rehashed, it is always intriguing to read a fresh take on this fascinating and complex character, in the process illustrating once again how he just may be the most sickly psychotic and thus feared foe among all of Batman’s rogues.
Near mint, 1st print. Bag&Board, Been sitting boxed for 20 years, one owner!
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