Spider-Woman (Jessica Drew) appears in comic books published by Marvel. Created by Archie Goodwin and Marie Severin, the character first appeared in Marvel Spotlight #32 (1977).
Her origin story relates that she was a brainwashed spy working for HYDRA. Writer Brian Michael Bendis added Spider-Woman to the roster of New Avengers, which leads to her involvement in the “Secret Invasion” storyline. In 2009, the character received her second self-titled limited series, written by Bendis, which ran for seven issues. As part of the 2014 “Spider-Verse” event, Spider-Woman began her third ongoing series, written by Dennis Hopeless. The series was interrupted by Marvel’s 2015 “Secret Wars” event, and ended with issue #10. Spider-Woman was relaunched several months later with a new issue #1, still written by Hopeless, which continued the story from the previous volume.
She will make her cinematic debut in Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse, voiced by Issa Rae.
Alex Maleev is a Bulgarian comic book illustrator, best known for the Marvel series Daredevil with frequent collaborator Brian Michael Bendis.
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