Avengers Poster #148 Valkyrie Secret Avenger Mike Deodato Jr


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Valkyrie carries an enchanted sword named Dragonfang. A wizard named Kahji-Da was said to have carved the sword from a tooth of an extra-dimensional dragon. The sword eventually passed into the possession of the Ancient One, who in turn gave it to his disciple Doctor Strange. Strange awarded it to the Valkyrie after she had returned the Black Knight’s Ebony Blade, which she had been using, to its rightful owner. The sword is virtually indestructible. An Asgardian by birth, Valkyrie, also known by her real name Brunnhilde, was selected by Odin to lead the Valkyrior. Among her other aliases are Barbara Denton-Norriss, Samantha Parrington, and Sian Bowen who all were host bodies to the spirit of Brunnhilde. Samantha Parrington, a previous host of Brunnhilde, later received Valkyrie’s powers and became a member of the Defenders herself. An ally and one-time love interest of Thor!

Near mint condition.