Jessica Drew was genetically enhanced and given super-powers by the criminal organization HYDRA, for whom she became an assassin as Spider-Woman. She later reformed and became a SHIELD agent and is currently a member of the Avengers and an Agent of SWORD. As a result of a combination of a special serum derived from spider blood and a certain radiation treatment, Jessica possesses superhuman strength, endurance, reflexes, and speed. Her body generates excess bioelectricity that she can focus into “venom blasts” sufficient to stun or kill normal humans and blast through solid metal. She has a degree of control over the intensity of these blasts. She can also adhere to almost any surface by excreting an unknown adhesive substance from her palms and soles. Jessica is highly resistant to all poisons and drugs; a first exposure to a specific toxin will disable but not kill her, and subsequent exposures have no effect whatsoever. She is also totally immune to the harmful effects of radiation. Her body exudes a high concentration of pheromones which elicit pleasure in men while repulsing women, though she uses a chemical “perfume” that can nullify this effect. She has also demonstrated superhuman senses in her solo series. Jessica has lost and regained her powers more than once, but has recently emerged with her powers restored greater than ever.
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