Writers on Comics Scriptwriting SC Todd McFarlane Neil Gaiman Grant Morrison 1st print
Writers on Comics Scriptwriting SC Near Mint 1st print! The biggest names in comics scriptwriting talk candidly and frankly about their profession, their approach to writing and the comics industry as a whole. Through a series of interviews, these luminaries in the comics field reveal the mechanics of writing for comics and, in the process, a great deal about themselves. Packed with personal information, contentious views and humorous anecdotes, this is both an exploration of the writer’s craft and a who’s who of the hottest comics’ talent around today, for fans, professionals, would-be writers and for anyone who’s ever wondered exactly how the writer’s mind works.
Gathers together a supergroup of the best comics writers, including Todd McFarlane (Spawn), Garth Ennis (Preacher), Frank Miller (Dark Knight Returns, Sin City), Grant Morrison (Invisibles, JLA) and Neil Gaiman (Sandman), plus Kurt Busiek, Peter David, Chuck Dixon, Warren Ellis, Devin Grayson, Dan Jurgens, Joe Kelly, Jeph Loeb and Mark Waid, with extracts from the writers’ original scripts.
If you’re looking for information about how to write comic book scripts, this book should be tops on your list. Through interviews with several bright stars on the comics scene, we are treated to a fairly in-depth treatment of how they work, how they got started, some of the problems they’ve faced, and more. Of particular interest are the answers to the questions about the “method” used by each of these writers to actually get their scripts down on paper. The discussion isn’t limited to mere “plot-style” vs. “full-script style”. The writers provided a detailed view of how they sit down and begin the task of writing stories in comic-book format — from outlining, to thumbnail sketches, to actual scripting, the discussion on these and other topics is invaluable.
I admit that I haven’t heard of some of the folks interviewed here, but I read every one, and can honestly say that there’s something of value in every single interview. Interesting and insightful — you won’t be sorry!
Almost every writer here has a different way that they approach comics writing, and no two writers “broke in” to the business the same way–once someone breaks in, they putty that hole shut (or so it’s rumored in the industry…). Recommended for comics fans and aspiring writers, but be forewarned–this isn’t a “how to” manual. I would also recommend the second volume (Writers on Comics Scriptwriting, Vol. 2), as it has in-depth interviews with the “next generation” of comic book writers so is a little more relevant than the first volume for writers looking to break into comic books today.
Full list of contributors: Kurt Busiek, Peter David, Chuck Dixon, Warren Ellis, Garth Ennis, Neil Gaiman, Devin Grayson, Dan Jurgens, Joe Kelly, Jeph Loeb, Todd McFarlane, Grant Morrison and Mark Waid!
1st printing, near mint condition.
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