Thor Poster #62 FRAMED Movie w/ Mjolnir on Knee Chris Hemsworth Marvel’s Avengers
Mjolnir (myol-n(ee)r) is a fictional weapon that appears in publications from Marvel Comics. It is the favored weapon of the superhero Thor. The weapon, which first appears in Journey into Mystery #83, published in August 1962, was created by writer Stan Lee and designed by artists Jack Kirby and Joe Sinnott. Mjolnir is typically depicted as a large, square-headed gray Lump hammer. It has a short, round handle wrapped in brown leather, culminating in a looped lanyard. The object is based on Mjölnir, the weapon of the mythical Norse god. The hammer’s name translates as “The Crusher” or “The Grinder.” Mjolnir is forged by Dwarven blacksmiths, and is composed of the fictional Asgardian metal “uru”. The side of the hammer carries the inscription “Whosoever holds this hammer, if he be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor.” Mjolnir has been wielded by a select number of other individuals: alien Beta Ray Bill; Avenger Captain America; Eric Masterson(Thunderstrike); Odin (Thor’s father); Bor (Thor’s grandfather); and Buri (also known as Tiwaz, Thor’s great-grandfather). Some others who have been able to wield Mjolnir: Awesome Andy, Superman, Wonder Woman, Deadpool , Red Norvell, and Dargo but Thor once stated that Hercules is worthy of wielding Mjolnir though Hercules has never tried. The ability to wield Mjolnir is not necessarily permanent, and may also depend on need. Superman was able to lift Mjolnir for only a short period of time. Several other characters from outside the primary continuity have lifted the hammer, including: Conan the Barbarian; Dargo Ktor (Future Thor); Loki; Magni; Rogue (after absorbing the entirety of Thor’s life force and thus essentially becoming Thor); Miguel O’Hara (Spider-Man 2099); Woden; Alex Power; and the DC Comics characters Superman (though he was unable to later that issue and Thor claimed Odin had briefly lifted the enchantment) and Wonder Woman. Several imitations of Mjolnir have also existed. These include Stormbreaker and the mace Thunderstrike, created for Beta Ray Bill and Eric Masterson respectively. Loki has been responsible for the creation of several imitations – a version of Mjolnir is presented to the mutant X-Men member Storm in an attempt to control her, while another version is given to the mercenary Deadpool to spite Thor. The hammer’s origin is presented in the second volume of the title Thor, stating that Odin orders the dwarven blacksmiths Eitri, Brok and Buri to forge Mjolnir using the core of a star (the movie “Thor” reinforces that with Odin saying Mjolnir was “forged in the heart of a dying star”) and an enchanted forge. The forging of the hammer is apparently so intense it destroys the star and nearly the Earth itself. Mjolnir can be used both offensively and defensively. Described as impacting with sufficient force to “destroy mountains,” with only primary adamantium proving too impervious. Other offensive capabilities include creating vortices and forcefields (capable of containing an explosion that could potentially destroy a galaxy); emitting mystical blasts of energy; controlling electromagnetism; molecular manipulation; and generating the Geo-Blast (an energy wave that taps a planet’s gravitational force), Anti-Force (energy created to counter-act another force), the thermo-blast which can even challenge such beings as Ego the living planet, and god Blast (a blast that taps into Thor’s life force). The hammer can travel through planets to return to Thor. It can even create antimatter particles and whirling it round can create wind powerful enough to lift the Taj Mahal. There are also other several rarely used abilities. Mjolnir can track a person and mystical items; absorb energy, such as draining the Asgardian powers of the Wrecking Crew into the Wrecker; or detect illusions, as Thor once commanded the hammer to strike the demonic Mephisto, who was hiding amongst false images of himself. As a former religious relic, Mjolnir is lethal to undead, causing creatures such as vampires to burst into flame and crumble to dust. Mjolnir also can project images, as Thor shows a glimpse of Asgard to fellow Avenger Iron Man. It is near-indestructible, surviving bullets, Anti-matter, and the Melter’s melting beam. The hammer has two properties relating to movement. When it is deliberately thrown by Thor, it will return to his hand despite any intervening obstacles or distance, even traveling through planets to return to Thor. When it is dropped or set aside, it takes a fixed position, from which it cannot be moved except by a ‘worthy’ individual. But Mjolnir is also not indestructible, having been damaged several times: a force beam from the Asgardian Destroyer slices it in two; the Molecule Man dispels the atomic bonds between the hammer’s molecules, vaporizing Mjolnir; the hammer shatters after channeling an unmeasurable amount of energy at the Celestial Exitar; Dark god Perrikus slices Mjolnir in half with a magical scythe; and the hammer is shattered when it collides with the uru weapons of Loki’s Storm Giant followers, resulting in an atomic-scale explosion. Mjolnir is damaged in battle when Thor defeats his own grandfather Bor, but is repaired by mystic Doctor Strange, who transfers the Odinforce from Thor into the hammer. This ties Thor’s lifeforce to Mjolnir. Mjolnir is depicted in a post-credits scene in Iron Man 2 by itself at the bottom of a giant crater in New Mexico with S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent Phil Coulson informing Nick Fury that “we’ve found it.” Thor is a 2011 American superhero film based on the comic book character of the same name published by Marvel Comics. It is the fourth film released as part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The film was directed by Kenneth Branagh, written by Ashley Edward Miller, Zack Stentz and Don Payne, and stars Chris Hemsworth, Natalie Portman, Tom Hiddleston, Stellan Skarsgard, Colm Feore, Ray Stevenson, Idris Elba, Kat Dennings, Rene Russo and Anthony Hopkins. The film tells the story of Thor, the crown prince of Asgard, who is exiled from his homeland to Earth. While there, he forms a relationship with Jane Foster, a scientist. However, Thor must stop his adopted brother Loki, who intends to become the new king of Asgard. Chris Hemsworth as Thor: The crown prince of Asgard, based on the Norse mythological deity of the same name. Director Kenneth Branagh and Marvel Studios chief Kevin Feige chose Hemsworth after a back-and-forth process in which the 27-year-old actor was initially dropped from consideration and then given a second chance to read for the part. Hemsworth stated that he gained 20 pounds for the role by eating non-stop and revealed that “It wasn’t until Thor that I started lifting weights, it was all pretty new to me.” Regarding his take of the character, Hemsworth said, “We just kept trying to humanize it all, and keep it very real. Look into all the research about the comic books that we could, but also bring it back to ‘Who is this guy as a person, and what’s his relationship with people in the individual scenes?'” About approaching Thor’s fighting style, he remarked, “First, we looked at the comic books and the posturing, the way Thor moves and fights, and a lot of his power seems to be drawn up through the ground. We talked about boxers, you know, Mike Tyson, very low to the ground and big open chest and big shoulder swings and very sort of brutal but graceful at the same time, and then as we shot stuff things became easier.” Thor is a superhero that appears in comic books published by Marvel Comics. The character first appeared in Journey into Mystery #83 (Aug. 1962) and was created by editor-plotter Stan Lee, scripter Larry Lieber, and penciller Jack Kirby. Debuting in the Silver Age of Comic Books, the character is based on the god Thor of Norse mythology. He has starred in several ongoing series and limited series, and is a founding member of the superhero team the Avengers. The post-credits scene in which Skarsgard’s Erik Selvig comes face-to-face with Samuel L. Jackson’s Nick Fury was directed by Joss Whedon, who directed Marvel’s The Avengers (2012). A post-credits scene in the film Iron Man 2 showed a S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent (played by Clark Gregg) reporting the discovery of a large hammer in the desert. Rick Marshall of MTV News believed it to be the weapon Mjolnir belonging to Thor, writing, “It continues the grand tradition of connecting the film to another property in development around the Marvel movie universe.” In the DVD commentary track, at the start of the scene, Iron Man 2’s director, Jon Favreau, stated that the scene was actually shot on the set of Thor, and “this is a scene from Thor”. Thor was released on April 21, 2011, in Australia, and on May 6, 2011, in the United States. The film was a financial success and received positive reviews from film critics. Thor earned $181,030,624 in North America and $268,295,994 in other territories for a worldwide total of $449,326,618. It is the tenth highest-grossing Marvel film and the fifth highest-grossing film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. It was also the 15th highest-grossing film of 2011.
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