The Powers of Matthew Star is an American sci-fi television series that aired from September 17, 1982 through April 8, 1983, on NBC. It starred Peter Barton as the title character, alien prince Matthew ‘E’Hawke’ Star of the planet Quadris. “Quadris, a planet of the (Tau Ceti) system, twelve light years across the galaxy from Earth. It was home for us until an intergalactic armada conquered it. I fought by the royal family’s side, but in vain. Even their remarkable powers weren’t enough. The crown prince and I escaped to the nearest planet on which we could survive and further his powers in order to some day return to free his people. Here on Earth, the prince is known as Matthew Star. He’s a typical American teenager. He has friends; people who love him. And me, his guardian. I’m the only one who knows how special he is. Life for us is a series of joys and dangers. Enemy assassins constantly come to destroy us. Alone, we must survive.” The powers as displayed by Matthew consist of telekinesis, telepathy and clairvoyance in the earlier episodes, and telekinesis, transmutation and astral projection in later episodes.
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