Star Trek Poster #22 Picard vs Tamarian The Next Generation


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In 2368, a Tamarian ship sent a general hail towards Federation space, a standard mathematical progression interpreted as a request for communication. The USS Enterprise-D was dispatched to El-Adrel IV to establish contact. While there, the Tamarian captain Dathon beamed himself and Enterprise-D captain Jean-Luc Picard to the planet’s surface, in an attempt to establish a dialogue through the idea of “Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra” – the idea of cooperation against an enemy leading to mutual understanding and friendship. To prevent any interference, the Tamarian ship established a particle scattering field in El-Adrel’s ionosphere, preventing transporters on either ship from functioning, and fired attenuated energy weapons on an Enterprise-D shuttlecraft dispatched to retrieve Picard. Unfortunately, Dathon was killed by the creature inhabiting the planet, but not before Picard was able to gain an understanding of the Tamarian language, and communicate with the Tamarian ship, which was engaged in combat with the Enterprise-D as a result of the misunderstanding over Picard’s “capture”. Dathon’s sacrifice and Picard’s experiences were remembered as a new “word” in the Tamarian language: “Picard and Dathon at El-Adrel”. Dathon was played by actor Paul Winfield.

Near mint condition.