Spider-Woman # 2 NM John Byrne Bart Sears 1999 Marvel 1st print Doctor Octopus


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Spider-Woman (1999 3rd Series) #2

Published Aug 1999 by Marvel.

John Byrne/Bart Sears/Ray Krssyng & Randy Elliot. What in the world has our sweet, young hero become?! With the startling result of the battle between the evil Spider-Woman and Mattie Franklin, the burning question of who will be the only Spider lady left standing takes on a whole new meaning! And just when you thought it couldnt get any worse, from the shadow steps the master manipulator – the deadly Doctor Octopus! And how will J. Jonah Jameson react now that Mattie has taken up residence in his apartment?! Cover by John Romita, Jr. and Scott Hanna. FC.

Near mint, 1st print. Bag&Board, Been sitting boxed for 20+ years, one owner!