Spider-Man 2099, created by Peter David and Rick Leonardi in 1992 for Marvel Comics’ Marvel 2099 line. His secret alter ego is Miguel O’Hara, a brilliant geneticist living in New York in the year 2099 A.D. who is attempting to recreate the abilities of the original Spider-Man in other people and later suffers a related accident that causes half his DNA to be re-written with a spider’s genetic code. O’Hara is the first Latino Spider-Man. After having half of his DNA re-written with the genetic code of a spider, Miguel develops a wide array of powers. He has the proportionate strength, speed, and agility of a spider. If his strength is equal to that of the original Spider-Man, he should be able to lift a maximum of approximately 10-15 tons and leap roughly 30 feet in the air. His speed allows him to dodge gunfire from a short distance away and move several times faster than a normal human being can. His superhuman agility and dexterity allow him to perform complicated acrobatic and gymnastic maneuvers that would be impossible for even the most highly-trained athlete and help him achieve and regain perfect balance even under extraordinary combat situations. Access to these abilities are largely instinctual, due to his re-written genetic code. Miguel’s powers give him increased vitality and resistance to injury. He once suffered a punctured lung, broken ribs and major abrasions, and was still able to make it to a hospital where doctors said only his amazing constitution kept him alive. His metabolism allows him to heal a few times faster than a normal human, although he does not have a superhuman healing factor such as Wolverine. Unlike the original Spider-Man, Miguel O’Hara does not possess an extra-sensory “spider-sense” or “danger-sense” that warns him of oncoming threats. On the other hand, Miguel possess enhanced vision and hearing, which the original Spider-Man did not have. He can see in complete darkness and can accurately perceive and “zoom-in” on people and objects that are a great distance away. Thanks to his enhanced vision and reflexes, he can accurately perceive objects in motion that a normal person would see only as a blur. Miguel’s hearing is also enhanced, though not to the extent of his vision. Spinnerets in his forearms enable him to fire an organic adhesive substance from the top of his wrists, usable in a wide variety of ways. Like the original Spider-Man (Peter Parker), Spider-Man 2099 can travel at high speeds swinging on “web-lines” when necessary, and he can use his webbing to ensnare enemies. Over time, this webbing loses its tensile strength and can be removed. Although the original Spider-Man is able to have any part of his body (such as his back) adhere to surfaces through unknown and invisible means, Miguel can only cling to surfaces with his hands and feet due to angled talons protruding from his fingers and toes. These talons are not retractable but can fold down when Miguel concentrates and do so automatically when he touches his own skin so that he does not injure himself (of which he is particularly thankful to discover, as he remarks that otherwise, “going to the bathroom would be an adventure, and picking his nose would be lethal”). Though only approximately an inch in length, Miguel O’Hara’s talons are capable of easily slicing through flesh and plastic. They can even rend metal armor, possibly because they are also enforced by Miguel’s enhanced strength. Spider-Man 2099 possesses venom glands and pronounced, pointed canine teeth. When he bites a foe, he can release a toxin that temporarily paralyzes his enemy. While the exact makeup of his venom has never been discussed, it seems powerful enough to affect such foes as Thanatos and it differs from real spider venom in that it does not seem to act as a digestive agent. From 1992…over 20 years old!
Near mint condition.
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