Sonic and Tails try to save Sally Acorn but it’s too late…she has been transformed once again into…Mecha Sally! Princess Sally is the sole heir to the kingdom of Acorn. Sally is the leader of the resistance movement against Robotnik and carries a sentient mini-computer named NICOLE. She has many friends and is very well-liked, recently Sally sacrificed her humanity to stop Robotnik’s world roboticizer and was transformed into a machine. Mecha Sally is the Robian form of Sally Acorn from being roboticized. This appearance has been assumed twice, the first during the First Robotnik War in a failed attempt to sabotage Dr. Ivo Robotnik. The second time came years after as an act of sacrifice to stop Dr. Eggman’s Operation: Clean Sweep. Eggman saw an opportunity with this situation and weaponized Mecha Sally into one of his premier enforcers of the Metal Series. Mecha Sally was then pitted against her allies, friends and loved ones in order to take advantage of their emotional conflict from fighting someone so close to them. Sally’s strength is greater now than it ever was in her normal form. Eggman modified the current Mecha Sally with new abilities, including prevention of restoring her free will, rocket-powered flight via boot jets, and sword-like blades mounted in her forearms which retract when not in use. She also has a powerful laser hidden inside one of her locks of hair. She primaraly uses the laser as part of a combo attack with Metal Sonic. Mecha Sally also has the ability to project a powerful force field around herself, shielding her from enemy attacks. In addition, Mecha Sally still remembers and possesses her formidable martial arts skills as she was able to back flip kicked Omega to the ground, a move she once used on Knuckles long ago before being roboticized a second time. It is possible that like Metal Sonic, she is capable of using her claw-like fingers to slash opponents.
Near mint condition.
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