Peterson’s Master AP Calculus AB & BC SC Test Preparation W. Michael Kelley


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Master the AP Calculus AB & BC, 1st edition (Peterson’s AP Calculus AB & BC) Original Edition
by Peterson’s (Author)


– Two full-length sample Calculus AB exams and 2 BC exams
– Nearly 1,000 practice questions
– In-depth reviews of every concept tested
– Information on using graphing calculators
– Analysis of the Calculus AB subscore

Paperback: 672 pages
Publisher: Peterson’s
Product Dimensions: 10.9 x 8.4 x 1.4 inches
Shipping Weight: 2.3 pounds

As a calculus teacher, I have referenced most of the AP Prep books at the bookstores. I came across this book last summer, and I was impressed.

Several things immediately separate this book from the typical AP Exam prep book. First, the author has a personality. His sense of humor is apparent in both the introductory sections and in the topical explanations. Also, the author includes technology explanations (TI-83/84 commands) at the end of each section, which have some calculator activities and recommended uses of the calculator on each section. Considering the A.P. Exam is 50% calculator, I am surprised the other prep books generally do not include technology sections.

The overall presentation of the topics is almost how you would expect an experienced high school teacher to introduce and explain each of the topics. The exercises seem to be well-chosen with answers and explanations immediately following the exercises.

I would recommend this book as a great reference for both during the time you take the A.P. Calculus AB or BC courses and as an aide during those last few months of independent studying and preparation for the exam in May. I don’t think this book can replace the course itself; however, if you need a different perspective on a topic, or if you need help with using your TI graphing calculator, this book is worth it.

Book is brand new. No writing or damage. 1st printing. 0-7689-1827-8.


Book is brand new. No writing or damage. 1st printing.