Marvel Knights 2099 TP Robert Kirkman Walking Dead 1st print Punisher Daredevil
Marvel Knights 2099 TPB (Marvel Heroes) Paperback
by Robert Kirkman (Author), Steve Epting (Artist), Kyle Hotz (Artist), Cliff Rathburn (Artist), Pop Mhan (Artist)
Marvel Knights – founded in 1999 – has been a symbol of cutting-edge quality not just for Marvel, but also for the entire industry. Now, on the fifth anniversary of this imprint, Marvel is shooting 100 years from the start date for a special event – Marvel Knights 2099. The five stories contained in this volume are set in a familiar time for longtime Marvel fans, but will turn the future upside down, just as Knights did for classic characters during the past five years. Collecting Marvel Knights 2099: Daredevil #1, Marvel Knights 2099: Black Panther #1, Marvel Knights 2099: Inhumans #1, Marvel Knights 2099: Punisher #1 and Marvel Knights 2099: Mutant 2099.
Paperback: 120 pages
Publisher: Marvel
As a guy that was growing up in the 90’s one of my favorite things to read was of course Marvel’s 2099 series of comics. Of course Spider Man was my all time favorite but I enjoyed all of them. So when this series was released in 2004 I was all over it. This time out we would get single release issues of Daredevil, Black Panther, Inhumans, Punisher, and one called Mutants all set in the 2099 world. I was so excited and when the TPB was released I picked this up as well.
Robert Kirkman was the writer for each issue and I think he did an excellent job as did every artist that worked on the different issues. The story plays off of the Mutant Registration Act that started the Civil War storyline, except here they actually followed through with it and were successful in killing off and arresting the superhuman and mutants. That was a super interesting idea to me, I loved it. These stories are set on Earth-2992.
The first story is about the 1099 version of Daredevil. It follows the grandson of “The Kingpin” Wilson Fisk, Samuel Fisk. He regrets the legacy he inherited and wants to right the wrongs his family were a part of. It is because of that that he stalks the night as the new Daredevil making up for his family’s crimes. In doing so he may be losing his wife as she can’t understand what he is doing. The ending of this story is excellent and may be my favorite story in the bunch because of it.
The second story follows the 2099 version of the Black Panther, K’Shamba. In this world the new Doom as invaded Wakanda and taken over. A small rebel group has banded together to try and fight back and need a leader. That leader arises has K’Shamba becomes the new Black Panther. This is another great story that has an excellent ending, loved it.
The third story is the Inhuman story and may be the best of the bunch. I know a lot of people who love this story. Black Bolt has put himself along with his team in a cryogenic stasis while his brother Maximus runs the ship that they must live on taking care of the rest of their race. While doing this he kills his brother’s team while they are frozen awaiting the day his brother wakes up. This is a super good story and I can see why people loved it, once again another great ending.
Next up we get what I always am looking forward to, a Punisher story. This story is about Cassondra Castle who is the daughter of Frank Castle and Elektra. She has taken up the job her father passed down to her and is now trying to teach her son in order to hand it over to him. She is dying from cancer but is having a hard time passing it to her son Franklin. The job may be too much for him and time is running out as she is getting worse.
The final story is about a boy who goes by Mutant who along with his mentor Reed Richards fights to help people even though this is outlawed. He must balance his real life and secret life all while going to school. That seems much like a hero we all know as Spider Man and I have to say his outfit reminds me of Spider Man, in particular the Noir version. This is the most light hearted and fun story of the group.
This is a great set of stories and I highly recommend it.
Near mint, 1st print.
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