Marly Hornik Say You Do CD


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Self-produced is a somewhat deceptive term to describe Say You Do. Up till September 11, 2001, Marly Hornick was tending bar near the World Trade Center, salting away her spare cash to finance her first full length CD (she had self-produced a pair of previous EPs). The events of 9/11 wiped out her financing plan, but Hornick was determined to get her album made, so she got the word out to her fan base that she was offering limited edition music and mementos in exchange for donations to her recording fund. Her fans obviously wanted to hear what she was working on, because in fairly short order she received $10,000 dollars in contributions, permitting a first class production, string quartet and all. All those donors helped get this one out, and they all deserve your thanks, as you’ll discover if you get your very own copy. Comparisons to another famous New York based singer/songwriter/pianist are frequent and, I suppose inevitable. They’re even justified to a degree. The references to Carole King that pepper her press kit only tell a part of the story, though, and not the most important part, really. Hornik is a storyteller in a way King has never really been, constructing slice of life tales that reflect a working class reality that most songwriters avoid in favor of a more fanciful world. There’s an upbeat element to her writing and delivery, though, that creates an air of hopefulness even when she sings about the most downbeat characters. Another reference point, less commonly cited, is Joni Mitchell, largely in the breezy, jazzy feel that Hornik often achieves. Reference points aside, Hornik, who, in addition to singer-songwriter-storyteller, alternately describes herself as an angel or a flirt (not that there’s a necessary contradiction between the two), is an original, and a talented one. Anybody got ten grand to get her started on the next release? Track List: Say You Do * Just The Thought Of You * Less A Man * Forgive * Bluestone Baby * Valentine * True Love Song * Chains * Nothing To Lose * Nancy.