Innocent Blood is a 1992 American horror-crime film directed by John Landis. The film stars Anne Parillaud as a beautiful French vampire who finds herself pitted against a gang of vicious mobsters led by Robert Loggia who eventually becomes a vampire himself. Marie (Anne Parillaud) is a very appealing modern-day vampire in Pittsburgh, with a moral code that limits her bloodsucking to the criminal elements of society. However, when she feasts on a vicious gang boss, Salvatore ‘The Shark’ Macelli (Robert Loggia), and is interrupted before finishing him off (by severing his spinal cord), he too becomes one of the undead and begins to pass his newfound powers on to his henchmen. With the help (and eventual love interest) of undercover cop Joseph Gennaro (Anthony LaPaglia), Marie sets out to put things right.
Near mint condition.
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