Michael Turner, beloved comic book artist, passed away in Santa Monica, Calif. on June 27 at the age of 37 after years of battling chondrosarcoma, a form of cancer that affects bones and cartilage. “A nicer guy never lived,” said friend and frequent collaborator Jeph Loeb. “A better friend you could never want. And he loved my Sam.” “In this all access world, very little remains that one could consider truly rare,” said Marvel Editor in Chief Joe Quesada. “Mike Turner was one of those things. One of those rare individuals who come around once, maybe twice in a lifetime, a cut above the rest of us, special in every way, undeniably touched by god or whatever higher power you believe in. “I had the good fortune of knowing and working with Mike and because of this, I consider myself incredibly privileged as it allowed me the opportunity to have been touched by his talent and grace. And for that, I will always be thankful. “Mike, it was a rare pleasure, Godspeed!” After getting his start on Witchblade for Top Cow, Turner not only launched his own publishing company, Aspen, but brought his dynamic art style to both Marvel and DC. His work has graced dozens of Marvel comics, most notably on covers to CIVIL WAR.
Near mint condition.
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