Pinocchio is a 1940 American animated musical fantasy film produced by Walt Disney Productions and based on the story The Adventures of Pinocchio by Carlo Collodi. It is the second animated film in the Walt Disney Animated Classics series. Made after the success of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, Pinocchio was released to theaters by RKO Radio Pictures on February 7, 1940. The plot of the film involves an old wood-carver named Geppetto who carves a wooden puppet named Pinocchio who is brought to life by a blue fairy, who tells him he can become a real boy if he proves himself “brave, truthful, and unselfish”. Thus begin the puppet’s adventures to become a real boy, which involve many encounters with a host of unsavory characters. Pinocchio won two Academy Awards, one for Best Original Score and one for Best Original Song for the song “When You Wish Upon A Star”.
Near mint condition.
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