Communication of the ACM Magazine NM 8/2019 Vol 62 # 8 Making Robot Likeable
Communication of the ACM Magazine NM 8/2019 Vol 62 # 8 Making Robot Likeable
Communications of the ACM is the monthly journal of the Association for Computing Machinery. It was established in 1958, with Saul Rosen as its first managing editor. It is sent to all ACM members. Articles are intended for readers with backgrounds in all areas of computer science and information systems.
Dispelling common myths about ACM awards and honors
Undo, redo, and regrets
A case against mission-critical applications of machine learning
Cutting the wait for CS advice
The Communications Web site,, features more than a dozen bloggers in the BLOG@CACM community. In each issue of Communications, we’ll publish selected posts or excerpts.
The algorithm that changed quantum machine learning
A college student discovered a classical computing algorithm that experts overlooked. It promises to change both classical and quantum machine learning.
I don’t understand my car
Self-driving cars will need good communication skills.
What makes a robot likable?
Interactions with robotics teach us more about people.
Block-based programming in computer science education
Considering how block-based programming environments and tools might be used at the introductory level and beyond.
COLUMN: Economic and business dimensions
A response to fake news as a response to Citizens United
How boundaries on speech could free the market for speech.
COLUMN: Kode vicious
On writing documentation.
The success of the web: a triumph of the amateurs
Connecting the unique factors that influenced the origination and subsequent development of the World Wide Web.
Industry-scale knowledge graphs: lessons and challenges
Five diverse technology companies show how it’s done.
Research for practice: the DevOps phenomenon
An executive crash course.
Overly attached
Know when to let go of emotional attachment to your work.
Embedded EthiCS: integrating ethics across CS education
A Harvard-based pilot program integrates class sessions on ethical reasoning into courses throughout its computer science curriculum.
Scaling static analyses at Facebook
Key lessons for designing static analyses tools deployed to find bugs in hundreds of millions of lines of code.
Activity-centric computing systems
The ability to build a construct that organizes work from different devices and information resources is as complex as it is invaluable.
The history of digital spam
Tracing the tangled web of unsolicited and undesired email and possible strategies for its demise.
SECTION: Research highlights
Technical perspective: The true cost of popularity
Heavy hitters via cluster-preserving clustering
We develop a new algorithm for the turnstile heavy hitters problem in general turnstile streams, the EXPANDERSKETCH, which finds the approximate top-k items in a universe of size n using the same asymptotic O(k log n) words of memory and O(log n) update …
Fluid democracy
From the intersection of computational science and technological speculation, with boundaries limited only by our ability to imagine what could be.
In trying to “drown” the opposition with daily online elections, I didn’t realize they could wash me away.
Activity centered design
Codes of ethics
Collaborative content creation
Computer science education
Computing education
Human-centered computing
Program reasoning
Software development methods
Software functional properties
Software verification.
Address label on cover. Otherwise in unread condition. More pictures may be in description (which it is suggested you read!)
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