Avengers Poster #165 Sin aka Skadi Hulk Juggernaut The Worthy Jelena Djurdjevic
Sin aka Skadi, Hulk aka Nul, Breaker of Worlds, Juggernaut aka Kuurth, Breaker of Stone and Grey Gargoyle aka Mokk, Breaker of Faith! The Worthy! Sin (real name Sinthea Shmidt) is a supervillain appearing in books published by Marvel Comics. She is the daughter of the Red Skull. Seeking an heir, the Red Skull (Johann Shmidt) fathered a daughter with a washerwoman. After the woman died in childbirth, the Red Skull angrily almost killed the child as it was a girl. But his follower Susan Scarbo convinced him not to, telling him she would raise the girl herself as her nanny. The Skull agreed and left the girl now named “Sinthea” with Scarbo to be raised by her and indoctrinated with the Skull’s views as she grew up. The Skull returned when Sinthea was a child and put her in a machine that had her acceleratedly aged into adulthood and gave her superhuman powers. Sin (with the help of Baron Zemo) unearths the Hammer of Skadi and becomes Skadi in order to free Serpent: God of Fear from his underwater prison. Sin vows to do what her father failed to do in taking over the world. She succeeds in her mission in freeing Serpent and then she prepares an army of Nazis to take over Washington, D.C.!
Near mint condition.
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