Wizard 167 Alex Ross Justice Cover X-Men 3 Movie Watchmen V for Vendetta Bendis
Wizard 167 Alex Ross Justice Cover Inside X-Men 3 (3) (Wildcats returns article Jim Lee, Bendis Q+A about Hawkeye, DC’s 52 article, Silver Surfer article, V for Vendetta article, Winter Soldier article, Paul Jenkins interview, Mike Mignola interview, Geoff Johns Flash article, X-Men 3 movie article, Alex Ross article- read Alex Ross’s opinions on everything including comics, comic movies and stuff…plus info on Justice!, Infinite Crisis article and preview, New Avengers directors commentary! (Readers will remember Wizard doing something similar with Kingdom Come and League of Extraordinary Gentlemen), Superman Returns movie article, Watchmen movie article)
I bought a lot of Toyfare magazines from a collector. He bought each issue, read it and then put it back in the polybag with all the contents and then bagged and boarded it. This is an issue from that lot. Near mint condition.
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