Toyfare (1997) #71B
Published Jul 2003 by Wizard.
TOYFARE: THE TOY MAGAZINE #71 presents The Hulkingest Toys Ever! Action figures come in a lot of sizes, but the bigger they are, the better they are! Mego Hulk hosts this hilarious look at the 10 “Hulkingest” action figures ever, from the 13-inch menace of the movie Hulk figures to the 2-foot terror of the Shogun Warriors to the giant 6 foot Gundam figures! Return to The Matrix. The Matrix is back! We’ll run down all of the must-have product tie-ins for the most hotly anticipated trilogy since… that other trilogy! What’s happening with the busts, toys, DVDs? Find out here, ’cause we’ve got it all! The all-new Matrix busts from the talented folks at Gentle Giant studios grace this month’s cover. Trace the evolution of He-Man and the Masters of the Universe. Have you ever wondered how the hero of Eternia went from being a stocky barbarian to a lean, mean fighting machine? We’ll unveil the design artwork (by famed sculptors The Four Horsemen) that re-interpreted the original He-Man and his compatriots for the new millennium, including some sketches that never got off the ground! TWISTED TOYFARE THEATRE: This month’s episode of Twisted ToyFare Theatre sees Mego Spidey take his first trip… into the Matrix! Or is it out of the Matrix? Either way, someone’s sure to get run over by the Spider-Mobile. Just remember: There may or may not be a spoon! This month’s Specialty Price Guide features ’80s toys and action figures. Track the latest prices for all of your favorite properties from the 1980s, stuff like Thundercats, G. I. Joe, Centurions and many more. ToyFare’s Marketplace gets you inside the latest trends, happenings and more. Get the latest Ups ‘n’ Downs, Expert Analysis, the Top 10 Hottest Action Figures and more! ToyFare has the most complete, full-color action figure price guide available. Track how much your figures are worth and which ones have changed in value! Whether you’re a casual toy fan or an obsessive super collector, you can’t afford to miss this issue of ToyFare: The Toy Magazine!
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