Thor Poster #26 vs Odin Ruler of Asgard Pasqual Ferry Mighty Avengers
As King of the Norse Gods, Odin possesses vast strength, stamina and durability far greater than a normal Asgardian, along with resistance to all Earthly diseases and toxins, incredible resistance to magic, and courtesy of the Golden Apples of Idunn, a greatly extended lifespan. Odin has all the abilities of his son Thor, but to a much greater degree. Odin is capable of manipulating the Odin Force – a powerful source of energy – for a number of purposes, including energy projection; creation of illusions and force fields; levitation; molecular manipulation, communicating telepathically with other Asgardians even if they be on Earth and he in Asgard, hypnotizing humans; channelling lightning to Earth from Asgard, controlling the lifeforces of all Asgardians, and teleportation. The character has also used the Odinpower for greater feats such as transporting the entire human race to an alternate dimension; stopping time; pulling remains of distant planets towards Earth, compressing the population of an entire planet into a single being, the Mangog and then recreating the race36 and taking a soul away from the arch-demon Mephisto. The Odinforce extends Odin’s power to a cosmic level, allowing him to engage entities such as Galactus on their own terms. In battles against opponents of similar power, Odin carries the magical spear Gungnir (“The Spear of Heaven”), an artifact made of the metal uru, that can be used to channel the Odin Force. Even without the Odinforce it can still match Thor’s hammer in battle. Once a year, during the Asgardian winter, Odin must undertake the Odinsleep for 24 hours to regenerate (and is closely guarded as he is vulnerable during this period), although he can be wakened by potent spells, such as those of Karnilla the Norn Queen.
Near mint condition.
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