The Millionaire from Nazareth SC Catherine Ponder DeVorss Publications 1979


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The Millionaire from Nazareth: His Prosperity Secrets for You! (Millionaires of the Bible Series) Paperback
by Catherine Ponder (Author)

The whole “blessed are the poor in spirit” proclamation has given Jesus a bad rap when it comes to prosperity. Main people point to this and the statement that “it would be easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven” as evidence that Christians should be poor. Or at least shouldn’t strive to have prosperity. I know many people who are spiritual leaders or healers who believe that it’s a ‘sin” to set fees or take money for their work. And so they struggle and resent the sense of lack feel because they have forgotten that God is the Source of All Supply.

When Roman Rule took over the Promised Land, there was no one overseeing the mandatory laws that had brought the region into such vast abundance. Many were feeling stuck, repressed, overburdened. Jesus saw this and accepted the job of reminding everyone of God’s abundant promises.

Jesus’ entire body of teachings, the Good News he came to proclaim, was all about prosperity and living life abundantly. It is extremely surprising to me that The Millionaire From Nazareth isn’t the most widely read Catherine Ponder book in print. It should be mandatory reading at every church, in my opinion! I certainly think it would benefit every Christian (not to mention the rest of us!) who is struggling financially.

Catherine Ponder does a fine job summarizing Jesus’ life and upbringing, then moves right into demonstrating how each of Jesus’ miracles represented the profound, powerful prosperity laws he was reminding us how to use.

My favorite parts of this book are covered in Chapters 4 and 5 when Ponder cracks opens up the Beatitudes and the Lord’s Prayer. She pours out the secret meaning of each beatitude – releasing the prospering power of each one. And then she demonstrates how the Lord’s Prayer was the foremost success secret used by early Christians – and how you can use it to create health, love, youth, peace and success for yourself.

This book wraps up with two more mighty chapters. Chapter 9 cover the meaning and power behind the widow who gave her last two coins to the temple, in a demonstration of her belief in her true value and abundance. And the final chapter demonstrates how to tap the success power offered by Jesus after he reappeared to the Disciples – using the Prosperity Law of the Right Side. This one strategy alone, once you’ve developed your prosperity consciousness to a higher level, can strengthen your character and open the way for you to experience super-abundance. The end truly is just the beginning, once you start putting these strategies to work in your life.

Paperback: 292 pages
Publisher: Devorss & Co

The Millionaire from Nazareth is part of the Millionaires of the Bible series. I enjoyed it so much, that I have purchased the remaining books and have received great insight and inspiration which can be applied on a daily basis. Each of these books offer guidance on how to maintain a positive outlook in life, as well as ways in which to cope with difficult situations when they arise.

You have to get out of your head, and into your heart. You cannot create from your head. You have to get the “flow” started, to see anything happen, this is why tithing works. What happens for you will be unique to you, not necessarily like what anyone else gets. Also, with all these methods, the stuff that happens seems like it would have happened anyway, which, if you think about it, is pretty powerful.

Book has a little wear. Corners of some pages folded. Highlighting and writing. 978-0-87516-370-3.


Book is in near mint condition.