He is death from the future, a killing machine, unstoppable, unbeatable, programmed for only one purpose: to destroy. Look upon cyborg assassin (Arnold Schwarzenegger) and tremble. He is The Terminator. “I’m a cybernetic organism: living tissue over a metal endoskeleton.” “My CPU is a neural net processor; a learning computer. But Skynet pre-sets the switch to read-only when we’re sent out alone.” Quotes from the model T-800 Terminator produced by Skynet. The Terminator is a 1984 American science fiction action film directed by James Cameron, co-written by Cameron, Gale Anne Hurd, and William Wisher, Jr. and starring Arnold Schwarzenegger, Michael Biehn, and Linda Hamilton. Schwarzenegger plays the Terminator, a cyborg assassin sent back in time from the year 2029 to 1984 to kill Sarah Connor, played by Hamilton. Biehn plays Kyle Reese, a soldier from the future sent back in time to protect Sarah. Though not expected to be either a commercial or critical success, The Terminator topped the American box office for two weeks and helped launch the film career of Cameron and solidify that of Schwarzenegger. Schwarzenegger speaks only 18 lines in the film, and less than 100 words. James Cameron said that “Somehow, even his Austrian accent worked…It had a strange synthesized quality, like they hadn’t gotten the voice thing quite worked out.” Gale Anne Hurd, who had worked at New World Pictures as Roger Corman’s assistant, showed interest in the film project. Cameron sold the rights for The Terminator to Hurd for one dollar with the promise that she would produce it only if Cameron was to direct it. Cameron wanted his pitch for Daly to finalize the deal and had his friend Lance Henriksen show up to the meeting early dressed and acting like the Terminator. Henriksen showed up at the office kicking open the door wearing a leather jacket and had gold foil smothered on his teeth and fake cuts on his face and then sat in a chair. Cameron arrived shortly after which relieved the staff from Henriksen’s act. Daly was impressed by the screenplay and Cameron’s sketches and passion for the film. Orion’s co-founder Mike Medavoy had met Arnold Schwarzenegger and sent his agent the script for The Terminator. Cameron was dubious about casting Schwarzenegger as Reese as he felt he would need someone even bigger to play the Terminator. Cameron still agreed to meet with Schwarzenegger about the film and devised a plan to avoid casting him. Cameron planned to pick a fight with him and return to Hemdale and find him unfit for the role. Upon meeting with Schwarzenegger, Cameron was entertained by Schwarzenegger who would talk about how the villain should be played. Cameron began sketching his face on a notepad and asked Schwarzenegger to stop talking and remain still. After the meeting, Cameron returned to Daly saying Schwarzenegger would not play Reese but that “he’d make a hell of a Terminator”. Schwarzenegger was not as excited by the film; during an interview on the set of Conan the Barbarian, an interviewer asked him about a pair of shoes he had (which were for The Terminator). Schwarzenegger responded, “Oh some shit movie I’m doing, take a couple weeks.” In preparation for the role, Schwarzenegger spent three months training with weapons to be able to use them and feel comfortable around them.
Near mint condition.
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