Star Wars Insider 98 NM Luke Leia Han Chewie Cvr 2009 Indiana Jones Battlefront


SKU: 16964 Category:


Article on George Lucas’ ill-fated Star Wars TV project, two page article on Star Wars being used in education, six page interview with Star Wars set designer Roger Christian, five page article on Sound Designer Ben Burtt, three page article on Lucasfilms’ head of marketing Charles Lippincott, four page article showing early storyboards from A New Hope, four page article on Costume Designer John Mollo, five pages of interviews with actors who played small parts in the Star Wars franchise, two page article on the novel Star Wars Legacy of the Force: Fury by Aaron Allston, article on Dark Horse’s Star Wars Vector crossover, two page article on Star Wars Battlefront action figures, pages of articles on Star Wars merchandise, two page how to draw an Ewok article, two pages of Indiana Jones black and white photos from Raiders of the Lost Ark and much, much more!

Near mint condition.