Spider-Man Pin-up FRAMED #14 vs Vulture by John Byrne


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Adrian Toomes, utilizing his harness as the Vulture is able to fly as if by natural winged flight. He wears a costume of synthetic stretch fabric housing a tailored electromagnetic harness with bird-like wings attached beneath the arms. This consists of an electromagnetic anti-graviton generator worn on his body as a harness enabling him to fly silently with precise maneuverability. The harness also increases his resistance to injury to the point that he can survive blows from Spider-Man’s enhanced strength despite his age. Another by-product of his exposure to the harness is that despite his age and lack of exercise, his physical strength represents the upper limit of human development. When he removes the harness some of his enhanced abilities slowly fade, although the rate at which this transpires remains unclear (some writers have suggested that his strength is permanent). The Vulture is elderly and depends on his electromagnetic harness to augment his strength, vitality, and athletic prowess as well as absorbing life force to maintain his vitality. It has recently been revealed that, due to his prolonged use of the harness, the Vulture can levitate or float his body even without the harness, although he requires his wings to maneuver while airborne. The Vulture has a new version of his flight harness that has supposedly been augmented by the Green Goblin. Though Vulture claimed that it increased his strength by five-hundred percent it appeared to be a bluff to frighten the Black Cat, who proceeded to beat him half to death. The Vulture is intellectually brilliant in the fields of electronics and mechanical engineering, with a great talent for invention. He has earned a Master of Science degree in electrical engineering. The following listings are for comic book and/or movie fans looking to decorate their rooms/offices/lockers with low cost comics art! Maybe you love the character…maybe you love the artist, maybe you love the storyline…whatever it is, why pay $100’s or even $1000’s for originals? These make the perfect stocking stuffer and added with a picture frame, would make an excellent gift! Imagine your kids face when they come home from school and see this on their wall! These particular pin-ups are approximately 9×11″ and are NOT folded. They will ship flat. One side may be perforated from being detached from another pin-up. From 1992…over 20 years old!

Frame is shrinkwrapped until time of purchase. Ships boxed with packing peanuts.