Friday the 13th The Series Pin-up # 1 MATTED Louis Robey Chris Wiggins John D LeMay
This is a small pin-up with a white mat 10×8 frame. Very lightweight, pretty small…priced accordingly.
It’s a safe bet that fans of FRIDAY THE 13th and all things Jason Voorhees love the gory kills, the camp counselors being picked off one by one by the hockey mask wearing maniac, and probably the T & A. Nearly thirty years ago, in an attempt to capitalize on the success of the series, franchise producer Frank Mancuso Jr. brought a little superstitious terror to the small screen. “Friday the 13th: The Series” premiered on October 3, 1987 and ran for three seasons in first-run syndication. According to Wikipedia it was originally titled “The 13th Hour,” and aside from it being a terrible name, Mancuso Jr. wanted fans of the franchise to tune in with a little help from name recognition.
With no unstoppable killer, the series focused its attention on an antique store called ‘Curious Goods.’ You see, the fellow who ran this establishment made a deal with the devil cursing all the items he sold. This was well before social media so clearly Satan was really trying to branch out as best he can. The great thing about the pilot episode – aside from it featuring a baby Sarah Polley – was the obvious chemistry between the series regulars. Chris Wiggins as Jack Marshak, John D. LeMay as Ryan Dallion and Robey (aka Louise Robey) as Micki Foster just worked well together – at least from this dude’s perspective. The weekly adventures consisted of these do-gooders attempting to retrieve all the cursed antiques sold. Before Scully and Mulder, there was Micki and Ryan.
THE TWO FRAMED PHOTOS ARE NOT INCLUDED! Those photos are shown only to give you an idea of what your matted pin-up would look like with one of my in-stock frames. Contact me for price. They make a wonderful gift!
Pin-up will be glued to mat. Frame available, please inquire.
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