Economics HC Thirteenth Edition Campell McConnell Stanley Brue McGraw-Hill
Economics 13th Edition
by Campbell R. McConnell (Author), Stanley L. Brue (Author)
Known for clarity, patience, balance and step-by-step presentations of difficult topics, “Economics” has defined excellence among textbooks and remains the best-selling Priciples of Economics Text. In this new edition, the authors have continued to consolidate material, keeping the text among the shortest available, while focusing on three primary areas of change: internationalization and thorough updating of the presentation; a comprehensive restructuring of macroecomonics; and the addition of new pedagogical features to help students get the most from every chapter. New coverage includes two new chapters: the United States in the global economy and health care economics. Many new “Last Word” mini-readings on topics such as Cuba’s declining production possibilities, ticket scalping, the use of the dollar around the world, the DeBeer’s diamond monopoly, physicians vs. economists on health care reform, and China as an emerging economic power have been added. In addition, the text will now feature new global perspective charts and tables in most chapters, comparing the US economy to other economies.
Hardcover: 825 pages
Publisher: Mcgraw-Hill College; 13 Sub edition
As an instructor of economics, I would say McConnell and Brue’s book is probably the best text to introduce students who may have no background or appreciation for the study of economics. It is well written and contains clear, concise analyses to examine important concepts and principles that have taken centuries to theorize and to validate. The authors also use several real world examples and case studies to help the reader apply economic concepts to business and societal problems. I still remember using an earlier edition of this text when I was an undergraduate student a number of years ago. I found it meaningful and practical then , and I find it quite valuable now as a teacher. Some things never change!
I would higly recommend this text to students taking their introductory courses in economics. The material presented is quite relevant to the development of an understanding and appreciation of how humans and society satisfy their unilimited wants and needs given scarce resources and limited choices. I like to refer to it as “the philosophy of life.” It never put me to sleep!
Writing and highlighting throughout. Tiny bit of wear to cover. Binding excellent. 0-07-046814-1.
Writing and highlighting throughout. Tiny bit of wear to cover. Binding excellent.
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