Current Diagnosis & Treatment in Orthopedics 2nd Edition SC Harry B Skinner McGraw Hill
Current Diagnosis & Treatment in Orthopedics 2nd Edition
by Harry B. Skinner (Author)
This valuable new edition comprehensively covers clinical orthopedic s urgery including pertinent aspects of path physiology, epidemiology, a nd pathology. Emphasis is placed on major diagnostic features of dise ase states, the natural history of the disease where appropriate, the work-up required for diagnosis, and treatment. In addition, ongoing co ntroversies are reviewed and clinical standards of care for orthopedic surgery are described.
Easy-to-use, yet comprehensive, Current Diagnosis & Treatment in Orthopedics features:
– Convenient organization by anatomical structure, disease, and procedure
– Improved diagnostic charts, tables, and graphs on hip and knee problems and tumor differentiation
– New information on NSAID selection (including COX-2 inhibitors), materials used in joint replacements, and growth factors for stimulating bone formation
– Expanded sections on trauma and external fixation, postoperative care of amputees, and predicting function after spinal cord injuries
– Coverage of advances and practices in imaging technology, infection treatment, joint reconstruction, and spinal surgery
– Concise, current, and comprehensive review of the basic science underlying orthopedic practice
– Helpful references to classic and important new sources
Series: Current Diagnosis and Treatment in Orthopedics, 2nd ed
Paperback: 720 pages
Publisher: Appleton & Lange
Product Dimensions: 1.2 x 7 x 9.5 inches
Shipping Weight: 2.5 pounds
I grabbed this text last time I went perusing through my university’s medical library. I found the book to be broad in scope and quite similar in format to the larger Current Diagnosis and Lange review texts. Overall, it was enjoyable to read and would definitely serve as an outstanding reference for sports medicine gurus, ortho residents and of course medical student interested in ortho. The text assumes a thorough background in anatomy.
Book got wet along bottom edge. Minor page warping…no pages sticking together. 0-8385-0363-2.
Book got wet along bottom edge. Minor page warping…no pages sticking together.
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