Crossroads Magazine Fall 2019 XRDS Vol 26 # 1 Future of Devices ACM for Students
The Crossroads is Theological College’s seasonal community magazine which is distributed to alumni, friends, bishops, and vocation directors. Each issue shares news about the seminary and its students, faculty, staff, and alumni, as well as special events and happenings at TC and CUA.
The Crossroads is published biannually by the Office of Institutional Advancement.
People have long been fascinated in future devices. Buzzwords like.AI, robotics, 5G, medical IoT, and quantum computers usually come to mind when discussing future devices. But it can be difficult to image what future devices may do or how they may look.
In this issue, we take a deep dive into technologies that drive the development of futuristic devices. Two points hold true: 1. Future devices are often unexpected, 2. Future devices are driven by solid technology breakthroughs.
We have assembled a range of articles from renowned academic researchers and industry experts explaining some of the most exciting advances that are making futuristic devices possible. These articles cover utilities, user interface, programming language, new methods of communication, security and privacy issues, scalability and deployment challenges, and so on.
Our goal is to share insights into where innovations are needed, and what is required for future devices to survive and thrive in the market. This is a call for action. We firmly believe in everyone’s eventual role as a user of future devices, but some of you will also be the designers of new emerging devices. The future is now.
Address label on cover. Minor scratches along spine. Otherwise in unread condition. More pictures may be in description (which it is suggested you read!)
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