Calculus 8th Edition Complete Solutions Guide Volume 2 SC Bruce H Edwards


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Complete Solutions Guide: Calculus, Vol. 2, 8th Edition 8th Edition
by Bruce H. Edwards (Author)

This is the complete solutions guide vol. 2 for use with Calculus, Eighth Edition; Calculus of a Single Variable, Eighth Edition; and/or, Calculus II, Eighth Edition

Series: Volume 2
Paperback: 542 pages
Publisher: Houghton Mifflin College Div; 8th edition

This Solutions Guide covers Chapters 7-11 of Larson’s Calculus 8th edition. It goes over both odd and even problems with enough information to get the problem done with understanding. Excellent supplement to the text.

Great solution guide for helping the struggling student. Not a suggestion guide, this manual shows the complete steps and the ones it leaves out the student is shown enough to figure out their solutions.

Book has minor wear to cover. Otherwise in near mint condition. 0-618-52794-X.


Writing on 1st page. Page rounding to the first few pages. 1st printing.