Batman Poster #29 FRAMED Detective Comics #626 (1991) Michael Golden
Gotham City is a fictional American city appearing in comic books published by DC Comics, best known as the home of Batman. Batman’s place of residence was first identified as Gotham City in Batman #4 (Winter 1940). New York Times journalist William Safire described Gotham City as “New York below 14th Street, from SoHo to Greenwich Village, the Bowery, Little Italy, Chinatown, and the sinister areas around the base of the Manhattan and Brooklyn Bridges.” Writer/artist Frank Miller has stated, “Metropolis is New York in the daytime; Gotham City is New York at night.” In Swamp Thing #53, Alan Moore wrote a fictional history for Gotham City that other writers have generally followed. According to Moore’s tale, a Norwegian mercenary founded Gotham City and the British later took it over—a story that parallels the founding of New York by the Dutch (as New Amsterdam) and later takeover by the British. During the American Revolutionary War, Gotham City was the site of a major battle (paralleling the Battle of Brooklyn in the American Revolution). This was detailed in Rick Veitch’s Swamp Thing #85 featuring Tomahawk. Rumors held it to be the site of various occult rites. “I didn’t have any influences,” Michael Golden once told an interviewer. “I was not a comic reader until I got into the business.” A longtime commercial artist, Golden fell into the world of sequential art in the late 1970s, after a client described his style as “comic bookish” and suggested he send some samples around to the major publishers. Before long, Golden was getting more work that he could handle, simultaneously from both of the big two. At DC, he followed his contemporary Marshall Rogers on the last few issues of Mister Miracle and the Man-Bat feature in Batman Family, and made an even bigger splash drawing Micronauts and The ‘Nam for Marvel. But it was distictive covers like this one, which blend cartoonish expression with uniquely realistic detail and dramatically exaggerated perspective, that have earned him a devoted following within the industry. “I’m kind of a fanatic artist. I take things apart. It doesn’t matter if it’s an animal, vegetable or mineral. I try to figure out how it works, how to make it work visually.” – Michael Golden. Michael Golden is an American comic book artist and writer best known for his late-1970s work on Marvel Comics’ The Micronauts, as well as his co-creation of the characters Rogue and Bucky O’Hare. His work is known to have influenced the style of artist Arthur Adams. In a 1997 interview with Wizard magazine, Golden explained that he had not attended a comics convention since 1979, because he is uncomfortable with the cult of personality treatment of comics creators. By the 2000s, however, he had been known to make appearances at conventions.
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