Altered States Pin-up FRAMED # 1 Screaming Mouth William Hurt Dick Smith’s Incredible Make-up effects


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Altered States is a 1980 American science fiction-horror film adaptation of a novel by the same name by playwright and screenwriter Paddy Chayefsky. It was the only novel that Chayefsky ever wrote, as well as his final film. Both the novel and the film are based on John C. Lilly’s sensory deprivation research conducted in isolation tanks under the influence of psychoactive drugs like ketamine and LSD. Edward Jessup is a university professor of abnormal psychology who, while studying schizophrenia, begins to think that “our other states of consciousness are as real as our waking states.” Jessup begins experimenting with sensory-deprivation using a flotation tank, aided by two like-minded researchers (Balaban, Haid). At a faculty party he meets fellow “wonder kid” Emily and the two eventually marry. It is only the physical intervention of his wife Emily which brings him back from this latter, shocking transformation in which he seems poised on the brink of becoming a non-physical form of proto-consciousness and possibly disappearing from our version of reality altogether (pictured) depicted through the “remarkable make-up work” of “the legendary Dick Smith” (who worked on, among many other titles, The Exorcist and Scanners.) Dick Smith won an Academy Award for his work on this film.

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